Monday, November 23, 2009


As promised...the blog which has been the object of my recent obsession. I am referring to ISO50, the blog of SF based graphic designer Scott Hansen and friends. Other contributors include his manager (music and culture contributor), intern (design contributor and aforementioned student at the Academy), CEO of the music label Scott's band, Tycho, is on (music/culture contributor), and a random friend who recently moved to SF. So.
A) his work makes me happy.

B) the posts are so varied and unfailingly interesting; from playlists of music you should definitely be listening to, to a step by step process of making an awesome poster like this one:

I'm also finding it fascinating to follow the trajectory of Alex the intern's Academy experience, for obvious reasons. He has posted his portfolio of work he's done at school so far (he seems to be a year to a year and a half ahead of me), and it's very encouraging.

Regardless, SUPER inspiring blog, particularly if you're interested in design.


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