Yesterday, Project H Design's Design Revolution Road Show came to the Academy. The professors seemed stoked that Emily had chosen us as the site for her celebratory party, and after a cupcake, carne asada taco, slice of bacon and carmelized onion pizza, and part of a brie-tomato-mushroom-pesto crepe (not to mention a glass or two of syrah- all of which was free as can be), I certainly was, too!

To quote the website, "The Design Revolution Road Show is a traveling exhibition and lecture series bringing “product design that empowers” to 25 high schools and university design programs across the nation in the Spring of 2010. A Project H Design initiative, the road show will feature an Airstream trailer exhibition of 40 humanitarian design solutions that have been showcased in the book Design Revolution: 100 Products that Empower People.
The programming will bring the evidence of and tools for design for social impact to the doorsteps of students, with the ultimate goal of enabling and empowering the next generation of creative problem-solvers to apply their skills to the world’s most pressing problems and improve life on a global scale."
Emily Pilloton, the brains behind the operation, was on the Colbert Report a few weeks ago to promote the Road Show.
It certainly was inspiring! Here are a few of the products in the airstream that I was able to get a shot of:

(side note...I would totally buy these portion control bowls in real life.)
For more information about the Design Revolution Road Show and the accompanying book, go here.
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