These are from a representative sampling of one thousand book bindings from the holdings of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Royal National Library of The Netherlands). The collection includes luxurious hand-made binding examples from over 800 years up to the 21st century.
It's tantalizingly close to being in a price range where if I found it somewhere obscure on sale (I found a plum pair for $200), I'd be able to justify lightening my (miniscule) savings' load just a bit, due to the fact that I CANNOT find a pair of black boots that I like and are not from Target (I love you, Target, but you sadly are not built to last).
I think they're adorable, but what about in person? And I know they're made by the inventors of ergonomic foot technology, but as a stringent non-heel-wearer, will I be able to handle them?
Things that are really important to think about in late February with no income. (note: Carol makes the astute point that "the only thing worse than the word clog is the word jodphur.")
And yes, you can file this under "things that were announced 3 months ago so shut your mouth little girl," but Slow Sal over here just discovered that Pantone's "color of the year" is this lovely turquoise. You know, my favorite color since like, always. Love it.
Last night, I had a dream I was having a conversation with someone where I likened my haircut to a "bad marriage you can't divorce." Disclaimer: my haircut isn't THAT BAD. But back in October, I experienced a razory nightmare of a haircut that pretty much left me shrouded in knit hat for the duration of time up to now. Michelle Williams is one of my main go-to hair inspirations. Currently, out of necessity, my hair sort of looks like this: Except with shorter, and in my humble opinion, not entirely flattering bangs. Slash I don't know that this is a haircut I would have ever chosen for myself (face shape etc), but it will probably do the "let's get through the awkward hair growing out phase with some semblance of dignity" job with reasonable aplomb. What I believe I'm going for, someday,is something along the lines of this, but probably with the hair short in back: Kind of like a permanent tendril-y chignon.
At any rate, that's enough of know how dreams can be. Do you have any hair quandaries/fantasies? --D
(PS, April, if you're out there: take note of M.W's cropped hair circa 2006)
You know, we talk about all these things we discover all over this great, wide internet, and sometimes we forget to share the things that are right under our noses.
In doing a bit of research just now, I re-stumbled upon our buddy Monica's online portfolio.
I really love her illustration and design work, so I thought it might be nice to share it with y'all on this fine Superbowl Sunday. Several of her prints are still available in her etsy store; have a look-see! Her prints are featured prominently in several of our friends' homes, so I can personally attest to their being thoroughly delightful.
I'm not normally one to get excited about wedding or engagement photography, but James Moes's photos blow me away. (That first photo is his son...pretty much the cutest ever, no?) Have yourself a click for much larger photos.
Yesterday, Project H Design'sDesign Revolution Road Show came to the Academy. The professors seemed stoked that Emily had chosen us as the site for her celebratory party, and after a cupcake, carne asada taco, slice of bacon and carmelized onion pizza, and part of a brie-tomato-mushroom-pesto crepe (not to mention a glass or two of syrah- all of which was free as can be), I certainly was, too!
To quote the website, "The Design Revolution Road Show is a traveling exhibition and lecture series bringing “product design that empowers” to 25 high schools and university design programs across the nation in the Spring of 2010. A Project H Design initiative, the road show will feature an Airstream trailer exhibition of 40 humanitarian design solutions that have been showcased in the book Design Revolution: 100 Products that Empower People.
The programming will bring the evidence of and tools for design for social impact to the doorsteps of students, with the ultimate goal of enabling and empowering the next generation of creative problem-solvers to apply their skills to the world’s most pressing problems and improve life on a global scale."
Emily Pilloton, the brains behind the operation, was on the Colbert Report a few weeks ago to promote the Road Show.
It certainly was inspiring! Here are a few of the products in the airstream that I was able to get a shot of: (side note...I would totally buy these portion control bowls in real life.)
For more information about the Design Revolution Road Show and the accompanying book, go here.
Remember when Dara informed us about the impending arrival of these sexy flats back in November? Well they are finally available for purchase HERE! Another awesome tid-bit: if you enter promo code VALENTINE10, you can get these babies before Valentine's Day w/ FREE GROUND SHIPPING!!! I did :) Happy (early) Valentines Day to me (and you too)! xoxo
We've fallen behind! We're bad bloggers! But it's mostly my fault; Haley's a hardworking editing maven whereas I was bopping about taking photos and generally having a hedonistic 6 weeks. But I'm back at school, back in SF, month 1 of the 365 photo project completed, and will be back up to blogging snuff. For now, I'll leave you with this jab at formulaic TV journalism:
We are Dara and Haley. We met in college on the east coast, and today we live in California and share a small craft business and a love for all things beautiful. Here we have compiled a look into what we do and what inspires us. Welcome to our Enchanted Land!