The trip to LA was as delightful as I had hoped. Immediately upon landing, I was escorted directly to dinner with Carol, Josh, Haley and Chris. Chris and I saw A Serious Man, which was seriously superb.
Saturday, Chris and I caught up on regular couple normal hangout time and he made me delicious almond pancakes with strawberry compote and bacon (uncrispy because that's how it tastes best. Sorry). That night, we went to a great bud's house to play drinking games with his extended family, who were visiting from Boston.

And ate the world's largest pizza.

And hung out on the fairy-light-ridden porch and sang bluegrass songs until the wee hours.

On Sunday, we had a lady brunch, and thankfully made it in time to the Where the Wild Things Are display at Space 1520 that I'd been so anxious to see.

Afterwards, Haley and Carol gave me a sneak peek of the rough cut of the
new Enchanted Royals short. Truly, I cannot wait for you to see. It's a thing of beauty; it was hard for me to keep it together while watching it, and I only had Bon Iver as a soundtrack. Once Chris has written and recorded the score...I'm just saying. Get psyched!
I'm back in SF again, wrapped up in my afghan. Weekends as lovely as these should be more common.