Tonight I will be heading up the coast to join Dara and a bunch of our closest pals for a weekend of camping fun! There is really nothing quite like the joy of sleeping outside, under the stars in the summertime. Major props to Dara for making sure it all came together :) Let the fun times begin!
I went apartment hunting in San Francisco last week. It was really too early to find a place for September 1, but I did get a good idea of which neighborhoods I like/are logistically possible while remaining near public transport/are financially feasible. So that's a start. San Francisco feels like a complete 180 from Los Angeles right now...very exciting. But I'm starting to feel a preemptive homesickness for the city that's taken me somewhat by surprise. It's obviously 90% based in how much I will miss the incredibly talented, driven, and fun people I've surrounded myself with here. But maybe, just maybe, there is something about LA after all. Or maybe I'm romanticizing (not something I EVER do, right?). Trepidation and excitement have been tempering each other enough to bring me to a fairly balanced state for now...we'll see how I feel once I'm all moved in. 1 month left......
The other day, I stopped into Feeding Birds, a store that carries Enchanted Royals in Echo Park, to check out the goods and pick up a check. HAD to take some pictures; this store is just too cute!
I wanted to wish a very HAPPY (however belated) Birthday to my dear friend Caitlyn! Isn't she just the picture of beauty? May your weekend be full of fun times and lots of lovin lady! Miss you like crazy. xo
I will be heading to San Fran in about a half an hour for my first round of apartment hunting. A friend that's looking for places with me and I had a bit of a discouraging bump in the road when a great-seeming couple backed out of living with us, but if my life hasn't indicated to me that things are more likely than not to fall into place, then I'm not sure what it has done. I'm excited and terrified and will most certainly keep you apprised of the outcome. I hope all you lovelies are having a great week! --Dara
Hell yes. I LOVE this idea. To make as small an impact on the environment as possible, for an entire year! Could you imagine doing this, for even a month? I work on the 12th floor of my building, so no elevators would be challenge enough... Oy! I can't wait to see this one.
We are happy to announce that Enchanted Royals now carries all organic cotton baby onesies! The colors are much more rich and the fabric is oh so soft. The Princess Cupcake onesie now comes in ultra-violet, and the Hamburger Onesie comes in natural, from the 100% organic baby line at American Apparel. Due to the change over, we can no longer offer the Princess Cupcake onesie in pink... But fear not, we're considering replacing that with the pomegranate colored organic option, which is a rich raspberry. And we do have a few sizes left in pink, so if you're a fan, hurry before they all run out!
Also, a new baby onesie design (inspired by some of our other products) is soon to be revealed that is both unisex and uber-adorable! Stay tuned for more details and when they'll be available on the web-store :)
Yesterday, we wrapped filming on our newest Enchanted short. We're so excited about it, and will be forever grateful to our wonderful cast who once again gave up their Sundays to help make something magical. Now comes phase 2: Chris will be scoring it and Haley will be editing. She did such an incredible job 2 years ago; I can't even imagine what new tricks she has up her sleeve now that she has that much more experience under her belt! more photos from all 3 days of shooting here.
My transition into the late 20's was rendered painless- yea, one of the best birthdays in recent memory- by some of the best buds a Duchess could ask for and one giant Hostess-style cupcake.
Today my friends, is a very special day, being none other than my darling pal Dara's birthday! Not only is she the Duchess of Enchanted Royals land, but also the heart and soul behind this beauty of a blog! She is a constant inspiration and a force to be reckoned with, be it in design, fashion, cooking, crafting, or simply being the life of the party! Dara, you rock my teenage party world, and I am so very honored to be partners in crime with such a talented gal as yourself :) May your day be filled with lots of laughter, balloons and cupcakes galore!
I love the work of Rebecca Artemsia of Septembear. She makes amazing paintings, prints, and lockets in her etsy store, to say nothing of her adorable blog. I'm sure you already know all about her, but I couldn't resist spreading the love! --Dara
Okay, I can't believe I almost let this weekend pass by without finding out about the FIRST EVER Los Angeles Renegade Craft Fair! It's going to be held at the California Market Center downtown, and aside from the usual awesomeness, Reform School (one of my very favorite locations in this fair city) is going to have lessons in linoleum block printing, KXLU will be playing lovely tunes all day, not to mention free raffles from folks like Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching.
Good lord, do I need to get hooked up with some mailing lists.
The time I forgot my Dad's birthday will forever haunt me. I was a freshman in college, and had only been away from home for a few weeks (hence the reason I was so overly emotional). As I stood in line at a store writing the date on a check, I burst into tears realizing it was the day after my Dad's birthday and I had failed to call him. He was, of course, completely unfazed by my forgetfulness. His friends had thrown him a huge surprise party, and he was a happy guy.
So when I discovered he'd be alone for Father's Day this year (as my sister just moved to Seattle, and my Mom was traveling for work), he again brushed it off like no big deal. He knows he's loved. No need for any fuss. I did have plans to visit him a few days later, so we still got to celebrate together. But now, after the fact, I find we never did a post for our Dads on the big day. And that is just not okay!
I'd like to dedicate this awesomely creepy MGMT video to my Dad, as a belated Father's Day tribute. When I was young, and had nightmares of monsters and such, my Dad calmed my fears with a very simple solution: "Whenever you see a monster in your dreams, just focus really hard and turn him into a jelly bean. Then gobble him up!" And it totally worked every time :)
Love you Dada!
p.s. My Dad wrote an account of his Father's Day on his blog. You can read it here.
______________________________________________________________________________________ (my dad with his father, Nathan) (2007) I found out yesterday that my dad was named top Endodontist (dentist specializing in root canals) in New Jersey by New Jersey Monthly Magazine this month. Talk about a career to live up to! The life he has built for himself and my family out of next to nothing has astounded me on a daily basis for as long as I can remember. I know that it's helped motivate me in my own life on more than one occasion. His logical and reasonable demeanor, a stable thing I've always been able to count on, has been invaluable. It's been a model for keeping my right-brained nuttiness in check with a nice splash of down-to-earth. Now that he's a proud Godfather and soon-to-be uncle of two (hoo boy), I have no doubt these admirable qualities are going to continue to seep into the minds and hearts of the new generation. Love you, Dad....
Hope you had a beautiful 4th! Haley and I spent Friday getting together all our new wares for Feeding Birds, where we now have a full inventory of onesies, Robots in Love totes, and 7 different styles of sneakers. Saturday was a raucous beach day at Paradise Cove in Malibu. Next weekend is our third and final day of shooting the newest Enchanted Royals music video (also my birthday)!!! We're so excited about the finished product. --Dara (photo by me)
We are Dara and Haley. We met in college on the east coast, and today we live in California and share a small craft business and a love for all things beautiful. Here we have compiled a look into what we do and what inspires us. Welcome to our Enchanted Land!