I, on the other hand, have been yoked to my bed for the last week with the flu that has, according to the evening news, become "an epidemic that's sweeping Los Angeles." I am feeling much better now, though, and am going to take this opportunity to make the trip up to San Francisco to have a closer look at the school I have been honing in on; the Academy of Arts University. Also to have my lovely friend Laura help me fall deeply in love with that fair city so I have an easier time talking myself off the "I'm leaving the social network I've spent 5 years/my entire adult life building to move to a city where I know 2 people" ledge, as I will inevitably have to do multiple times come fall. Should be a momentous trip! My lady and I will keep you posted!
love, Dara
photo via 3 Dainty Delights
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