Monday, January 26, 2009


Well, Haley and I are about to set off and be intrepid adventurers, friends! Haley is off once again on one of those perilous, thrilling and always worth it hut trips in Colorado. This time she does not have Carol, Josh and myself in tow (oh, how we wish!), but rather her lovely man, Mike. She will provide much photo documentation of the occasion! I can't believe it was over a year ago that we set off on that same journey.

I, on the other hand, have been yoked to my bed for the last week with the flu that has, according to the evening news, become "an epidemic that's sweeping Los Angeles." I am feeling much better now, though, and am going to take this opportunity to make the trip up to San Francisco to have a closer look at the school I have been honing in on; the Academy of Arts University. Also to have my lovely friend Laura help me fall deeply in love with that fair city so I have an easier time talking myself off the "I'm leaving the social network I've spent 5 years/my entire adult life building to move to a city where I know 2 people" ledge, as I will inevitably have to do multiple times come fall. Should be a momentous trip! My lady and I will keep you posted!
love, Dara
photo via 3 Dainty Delights

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