I had to stay an extra week on the east coast because of a root canal (in the world's biggest stroke of luck, I developed a giant toothache right before I came to New Jersey, rather than in California- so my dad was able to fix it for me! Hooray for free and amazingly painless dental work). This seemed like an inconvenience at first, dental pain notwithstanding, but it was definitely a blessing in disguise. I was able to head into New York and catch up with some friends (a fun night at the Frying Pan followed by delicious brunch and a stroll around Red Hook, Brooklyn), and then get some face time in with my cousin's two adorable kids, Jack and Lucas (Lucas is 6 months old and gorgeous, and Jack, almost 3, remembers and totally wants to hang out with me after not having seen me for 6 months- talk about a kid in tune with what's going on around him!) in their insanely beautiful New Jersey home.
Oh, east coast. I miss ye.