This being new years eve and all, I've been thinking a lot about resolutions.
My list seems to get longer and longer the more I dwell on it. Though I don't recall making an exact resolution for 2008, there was one goal I set out to do that proved much more challenging than I'd originally anticipated. Being the eldest of 20 cousins, I decided this was the year I would not only recognize all of their birthdays, but also give the gift of a personalized pair of Enchanted Royals! I gave my cousins the option of choosing a design from our collection, or to imagine their own unique design that I would recreate.
My darling cousin Claire, who is now a freshman at Eastern University, was the first to design her own pair and asked for a sunset over the ocean, with the words "carpe diem" painted on the heels. I was so moved by her vision and overall outlook on life, and find it fitting to post as we ring in the new year.
While I am still a few pairs shy of completing my goal for 2008, I am encouraged by the idea to simply make the best of the present moment. To recognize the positive rather than dwell on the negative. Looking back over the past year, I am so very proud of the many strides Dara and I have made with our little business. While we bid adieu to the great oh-eight, there is much to anticipate in what will surely be a divine oh-nine, yes?
Seize the day, indeed!
Much love & a very happy new year,